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Ons Is Een Kijnt Geboren
Various composers


Ons Is Een Kijnt Geboren

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Fineline Legacy
UPC: 0608917241228
Catnr: FL 72412
Release date: 15 October 2007
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Fineline Legacy
Catalogue number
FL 72412
Release date
15 October 2007

About the album

All songs on this recording come from the Koning Manuscript, which is presently kept in the Royal Library of Brussels (ms II 270). It is a two-part manuscript, the songbook portion of which was compiled around 1500; in addition to the 29 polyphonic songs, it contains the verse text for an antiphon, songs without musical notation and spiritual poetry in Latin and Middle Dutch, and has been enriched with a number of illustrations.
With the exception of the Buxheim composition (track 13), the instrumental pieces on this CD are all arrangements of the songs written in a 15th century style, as we assume instrumentalists were used to.

At first sight, the Christmas repertoire in the Koning Manuscript seems typical of the Christmas songs found in many 15th century European Cantionales. It is music that has separated from the liturgy, and has won a place in urban society. And that has happened quite effectively; we still seem to recognize many of these songs, they seem to be deeply rooted in our memory.
Upon further examination, this collection begins to seem less ordinary. Many of the songs can be found elsewhere in other Dutch cloister manuscripts, but never in the polyphonic versions which are in this manuscript. All of these pieces have been added to in one way or another. ‘Cantent epithalamium’ has been given a contratenoraltus and bassus part, perhaps as a solemn opening for the Latin pieces in the manuscript. ‘Puer nobis’ and ‘Puer natus’ have become little three-voice gems, and trendsetting polyphony is used in ‘Mit desen niewen jare’ and ‘Verbum caro’. The embellishment of these songs seems to have been very important:
anything that could become polyphonic was made polyphonic. Two voices became three, songs with one voice or without melody became duets; and cadential formulas were adjusted to fit the rules of higher polyphony.

Hemelse middeleeuwse kerstmuziek
Ons is een kijnt geboren, de titel zegt het al, deze opname met middeleeuwse liederen en muziek uit het Koning Manuscript, heeft als thema Kerstmis. De nadruk in de liederen ligt op het léven, muziek die een plekje heeft veroverd in de harten van het volk. De overlevering van de melodieën heeft ervoor gezorgd dat we veel van deze muziek nu nog kennen. Het is een opname met bijzondere kerstmuziek, sfeervol uitgevoerd door het Nederlandse ensemble Aventure.

Het Koning Manuscript wordt tegenwoordig bewaard in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België in Brussel. Het is een tweedelig manuscript. Het gedeelte met liederen werd rond 1500 samengesteld. Het bestaat uit meerstemmige liederen, tekst ter inleiding of afsluiting van een psalm, liederen zonder bladmuziek en spirituele gedichten in het Latijn en Midden-Nederlands. Het is muziek, die losstaat van kerkmuziek en een werelds karakter heeft.

Het ensemble Aventure is gespecialiseerd in het repertoire van de late middeleeuwen. Waarbij de eigenheid van de muziek uit die tijd en de cultuurhistorische context in stand blijft. Het ensemble heeft voor hun interpretaties van de meerstemmige werken uit het Koning Manuscript grondig onderzoek gedaan. Bijvoorbeeld naar de rol van de blokfluit als instrument, de vele aspecten van de uitvoering en de tekstuitspraak. Hierdoor ontstaat er een levendige indruk van een vergeten tijd.

Das niederländische Ensemble AVENTURE hat sich auf Repertoire des späten Mittelalters spezialisiert und ist auf ein Liederbuch aus Brüssel gestossen, das sog. Koning Manuskript. Die vorliegende CD präsentiert Weihnachtsmusik aus diesem Manuskript in lateinischer und mittelhochdeutscher Sprache. Da die musikalische Ausführung nicht notiert wurde, interpretiert das Ensemble die zwei-stimmigen Werke nach gründlicher Quellenforschung nach überlieferter Improvisationstechnik. So entsteht ein lebendiger Eindruck einer vergessenen Zeit.



Aventure Ensemble for Medieval Music Christopher Kale voice Marco Magalhães recorder Fumitaka Saito recorder Ita Hijmans recorder Aventure performs late-medieval music. Our performances are based on research focusing on the individuality of a particular musical idiom and the cultural and historic context in which it existed. Aventure sees late-medieval music, not as an isolated art form, but as one aspect of an entire culture. This vision, and our experimental investigation of the performance practice of instrumental ensemble music from the 15th century, makes Aventure a unique ensemble. Aventure, founded in 1993, was awarded an honorable mention during the Musica Antiqua Concours in Bruges (B). The ensemble has performed on leading international podia such as Les Académies musicales de Saintes (F), Varna International Music Summerfestival (Bulgaria),...
Aventure Ensemble for Medieval Music Christopher Kale voice Marco Magalhães recorder Fumitaka Saito recorder Ita Hijmans recorder Aventure performs late-medieval music. Our performances are based on research focusing on the individuality of a particular musical idiom and the cultural and historic context in which it existed. Aventure sees late-medieval music, not as an isolated art form, but as one aspect of an entire culture. This vision, and our experimental investigation of the performance practice of instrumental ensemble music from the 15th century, makes Aventure a unique ensemble.
Aventure, founded in 1993, was awarded an honorable mention during the Musica Antiqua Concours in Bruges (B). The ensemble has performed on leading international podia such as Les Académies musicales de Saintes (F), Varna International Music Summerfestival (Bulgaria), Festival van Vlaanderen (B) and the Netwerk voor Oude Muziek (NL) with programs varying from the narrative songs by Oswald von Wolkenstein (CD O, snode welt, AC Classics, 1995) to Dutch polyphony from the Koning Manuscript (CD’s Adieu, naturlic leven mijn; Ons is een kijnt geboren, Challenge Records, 2007).
Since 2007, Aventure has focused on the music from Europe north of the Alps in the 15th century. In annual concert series, the ensemble has performed unexplored music from the Aosta Manuscript, the Basel Songbooks, the Codex Sankt Emmeram, Codex Breslau, Leopold Codex, the Schedel Songbook, the Sagan Partbooks and several Trent Codices, among others. But the monody from sources such as the Gruuthuse Manuscript, the Mönch-repertoire and various Cantionales from north of the Alps also belongs in our repertoire.
Aventure annually offers workshops or summer schools. In 2015/16 Aventure carried out an interdisciplinary research project Filling the gap. The reconstruction of a mid-15thcentury recorder consort, more here:
Aventure works with a flexible cast of 3-7 musicians, depending on the performed repertoire. Ita Hijmans is artistic director and responsible for research and programming.




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